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KT mentioned in Global Seafood Alliance 2022 Annual Report

Key Traceability is pleased to highlight our previous collaboration with the Global Seafood Alliance (GSA) and the Global Roundtable on Marine Ingredients. We contributed to a workstream focused on addressing the gaps in the supply of responsibly produced marine ingredients in South and Southeast Asia.

Our role in this project was to coordinate the workstream, which involved formulating a plan to stimulate the growth of Fisheries Improvement Projects (FIPs) in India. Our plan drew upon the expertise of local professionals, industry representatives, and market experts.

As part of the process, we prepared a mapping document based on a review of literature on the past initiatives aimed at establishing responsible fisheries in India. This helped to set a foundation for our understanding of the current conditions within the Indian fishmeal and fish oil industry.

In addition, we conducted industry interviews to get a deeper understanding of the existing conditions in Indian fisheries going towards fishmeal and oil. These discussions helped in outlining the next steps for the project.

Though our active involvement in the project has now ended, the workstream's objective to build a coalition of stakeholders for participating in Indian FIPs continues.

Key Traceability appreciates the opportunity to contribute to this important initiative. We believe it's an example of how collaborations can bridge the wild and farmed seafood sectors, contributing to the GSA's mission of driving improvements through responsible sourcing practices. We are pleased to have been a part of an effort that supports the livelihoods of fisher people and farmers by boosting the sustainability of both sectors. Please find the GSA annual report here:

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